Saturday, February 8, 2014

Power Hunger on the Hill and in the educational industry

On Thursday, I did not have to go to work since I had to attend two seminars which are required from our internship program.
The first one was with CREW which stands for Citizens Responsibility and Ethics in Washington. This non-profit sees its mission to reveal corrupt activities by government officials/politicians/lobbyists. The founder of CREW, Melanie Sloan, used to work at the Hill. However, she decided to get out of this politics circus when she made the experience herself that one of her colleagues was actively engaged in corrupt activities, and was not impeached or kicked out form the Hill for doing so. The reason was because it is legitimate in the US that politicians receive money donations from individuals, companies or enterprises. She explained that almost something terrorist-like needs to be planned and done by a Congressman in order to be forced to leave and impeached.
Comparing this to German politics, and the impeachment of Christian Wulff, former president of Germany, because he received vacation donations worth around $150 thousand dollars. Also, the media killed his reputation.
In sum, Melanie who is in touch with constant touch with journalists, and who already spoke several times on CNN, concluded that the American legal system is flawed and needs a radical change. She sees her mission in educating the public as well as possible of the wrong-doings of Congressmen, and she hopes that the people use their knowledge and voting power in order to elect the right representatives of the US.

Our second seminar was with Brett Frazier, a businessman working in sales for various educational companies over the last several years. The products he is selling are mainly technological based, for instance BlackBoard (the educational software providing students with their class list, grade overview, learning material). For some reason, our discussion turned into an argument of non-profit (public) vs for-profit (private) schools, and how the pricing differs between the two categories regarding the educational devices. Brett spoke in favor of for-profit schools/colleges/universities since they have more money due to higher tuition.
I got so confused when the group was talking about non-profit and for-profit schools/colleges/universities because for me the US ONLY consists of for-profit schools. I could never afford studying in the US without having my scholarships and I appreciate so much that I belong to those few lucky people who is allowed to study for free here.
I advocate the Scandinavian/German system of free education because education is a human right that should be accessible to every citizen no matter if wealthy or not. 

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