Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Conference vs Bathroom meeting: Business style

After the Congressional Trade Agenda (CTA) from Friday, it has gotten pretty slow and peaceful in the office. Besides getting arranged some post-event tasks, I have not felt any pressure of getting something done as soon as possible which has been very soothing for my mental condition.

In regards to this current condition, my supervisor told me today that on slow days, I can do research about a trade-related topic I am interested. The purpose of it is that I will pursue this research for the whole internship period in order to be an expert in this specific field. I decided to focus on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, also known as T-TIP which is the trade negotiation about an US-EU free trade agreement. 
Since I am an EU citizen, and since this topic is currently highly discussed, I felt that I should focus my specialization on the T-TIP negotiations. I think that is the right decision because it is necessary to know exactly what is going on in one's home region in order to avoid embarrassing moments of ignorance. 

Being surrounded by this harmonious, and stress-free, office atmosphere, I found myself being highly attentive about unimportant things. 
Today, when I went to the bathroom, I was surprised about a group of men and women going the same way like I did, with the same final destination: the bathroom/restroom. I knew that there was a meeting held in the law firm in which our office is located. So I figured that these must have been the people from the conference room. 
Being in the restroom cabin I unconsciously heard that two ladies were talking about the situation in the conference room. They were discussing the topic treated in the conference and were agreeing that the action actually should be another one. 
Apparently, I did not get what both were exactly talking about, but I had the feeling that they were making a verbal contract with one another to speak in favor or against a certain issue. 

So, this is were actually the decisions are made. If I imagine two men standing in front of the urinal, chatting about the conference's status quo, coming to a quick arrangement and shaking hands after it!!! 
I guess that's business style!!

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